DEU, Deutschland, Berlin-Mitte, Friedrichstr. 55a, 18.06.2020: Algara Castle; Mitarbeiterportrait - für von Beust & Coll. Beratungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG (

[Foto + ©: Dietmar Gust / vbcoll; Fon: +49 (0)172 3016574;, e-mail:]

Algara Castle

Head of EU Affairs, eFuel Alliance
Algara Castle is head of EU affairs of the eFuel Alliance based in Brussels. She oversees issues related to renewable energy, sustainable mobility and engages in regular dialogue with relevant stakeholders. With more than seven years of experience as a spokesperson in the European Parliament, she provides expertise on EU policy and regulation, communications and outreach to European decision-makers across a range of sectors.